One Piece Omnibus Edition Manga Volume 21
In the wake of a heartbreaking defeat, Luffy's Straw Hat Crew disbanded and scattered to the far seas. Now, after years of training and introspection, Luffy and the Straw Hat Crew are back in action. Their first stop is the exotic and treacherous Fish-Man Island!
In the wake of a heartbreaking defeat, Luffy's Straw Hat Crew disbanded and scattered to the far seas. Now, after years of training and introspection, Luffy and the Straw Hat Crew are back in action. Their first stop is the exotic and treacherous Fish-Man Island!
In the wake of a heartbreaking defeat, Luffy's Straw Hat Crew disbanded and scattered to the far seas. Now, after years of training and introspection, Luffy and the Straw Hat Crew are back in action. Their first stop is the exotic and treacherous Fish-Man Island!