In the Name of the Mermaid Princess Vol. 1

Author: Yoshino Fumikawa
Publishers: Viz Media; Shojo Beat
Illustrator: Miya Tashiro
Age Group: Teen
Genre: Romance Fantasy
Type: Manga

Content Warnings: Verbal Abuse, manipulation, slight brain-washing

Spoilers ahead


Princess Mio is betrothed to Prince Chika. However, they’ve never met, and he doesn’t know her secret—she’s a mermaid! When her tutor, Yuri, takes her out of the castle to meet her subjects, Mio sees the world through new eyes. Can Mio stay true to herself against her father?

Yuri has a secret too…

Includes: A bonus story about a royal subject with…wings?!

Character Development

Mio is a princess that’s considered a curse. She’s verbally abused on a daily basis, manipulated, and brain-washed that she HAS to be human because she’s filthy as a mermaid. She’s super sweet, humble, and cares for others even if they want nothing to do with her. 

Enter Yuri, her tutor, to teach her about Aquatia (Prince Chika’s Kingdom) customs. He sees the injustice put upon Mio and shows her a different perspective. Making her realize that she doesn’t need to be human. She was born a mermaid and should be proud of it. 

As character development goes, this is a pretty standard trope where someone new is introduced to change the protagonist for the better. Using the strength they had within all along and didn’t know it,  they fight the abusive system they’re in. 


There is some world-building at the beginning so we get the lay of the land (so to speak). We’re told that there are humans and humans with special abilities, ‘unhumans’. Some of the countries have banned unhumans because they’re ‘unnatural’. They can be mermaids, angels, beast-folk, etc. All have special abilities. 

We then get introduced to Mio, who is a princess of one such country…and a mermaid.


The main theme for “In the Name of the Mermaid Princess” is love yourself as you are. You don’t need to change for anyone. In fact, stand up for yourself and follow your own dreams. No one can tell you who or what you are. What you feel you are is true so don’t let anyone discount your own feelings. You know yourself better than they do. 

I wholeheartedly agree with this theme. We see a lot of people that are angry because others don’t fit into their boxes. It causes a lot of unnecessary grief and hate. So be you, because you’re all fabulous as you are! 

Observations & Predictions

This story is very simple to follow, even thought it’s considered teen. I’m interested in what will happen in the future installments. We leave off with Mio needing to flee her own country with Yuri. 

It is assumed they’ll be going to Aquatia (mostly because she’s told to do so).

My prediction

Mio will have to go to war with her own father in order to change her country’s views on unhumans with the backing of her fiance, Prince Chika, and Aquatia. Though the Queen of Aquatia may not want to get involved, but will allow Mio to claim sanctuary. 

Is this worth reading:

I believe is worth reading whether you’re a teenager or an adult. It’s an easy, cute story. I can’t wait to see what Yoshino Fumikawa comes up with in the next several volumes. 

My Hopes:

I hope that the characters will become more complex as well as the storyline. Right now, there's a lot left to be desired. I wouldn't have rated this teen, except for the abuse. It feels more like it's written for pre-teen. Making it more complex would fix this problem.


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Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint Vol. 1